We have all been here. By we, I mean people who choose to purchase or even adopt their fur babies. While this may seem scary and, to many people confusing since there are lifelong debates, we are here to help you through all the chaos. To reward the loyalty that your little Chihuahua puppy has for you, you should repay it by keeping them healthy and safe from different diseases that can creep up on you if you do not take the necessary steps. 


For this reason, and this reason alone, you should always consult with your local vet. The constantly vigilant animal doctors will be more than happy to explain to you the importance of puppy vaccinations, but so will we.





As mentioned above, it is crucial to prevent different diseases puppies can contract in the first three months of their lives while they are the most vulnerable. Vaccinating your puppy can stop the spread of several diseases, such as rabies, to your family. Vaccinations have eliminated the deaths of millions of animals within the last century. Puppy vaccinations help avoid diseases of dogs and can help you evade expensive treatments for preventable animal illnesses. 


Puppies should be given a primary course of vaccines and then booster vaccinations during their lifespan to guarantee they stay protected.





While there are certain debates about whether the puppies should be vaccinated earlier or a bit later, typically, they should receive their first vaccine at around six to eight weeks. This is identified as a ‘primary course.’ This plan will consist of about three appointments (depending on your vet’s recommendation), administered approximately 4 weeks apart. 


One important thing to note here is that the puppies have to be cleaned of parasites before getting their first primary vaccine. However, as different methods are introduced, opinions are divided on whether some time should pass between the parasite cleaning and the vaccine. Some vets believe they should be administered simultaneously, while others think they should be given apart.

When Should Your Chihuahua Puppy be Vaccinated

We would recommend you consult with your primary vet and ask him about his opinion on this matter. 


Be aware that there are side effects caused by the vaccine, such as Fever, Sluggishness, Loss of appetite, to name a few. If you notice any of these, do not be alarmed, just call your vet and ask for advice.



 What Vaccines Should Your Chihuahua Puppy Receive


There is a clear order in which your puppy should receive their vaccines. We should point out that the first two vaccines will probably be given before the puppy is sold if you are purchasing your dog. However, if you are the owner whose Chihuahua mom has given birth, you should pay attention to this. There are over 15 vaccines your puppy can receive; however, they are not all primary. Some of the vaccines are optional, and you should consult with your vet before asking for your Chihuahua puppy to receive them. We are mentioning this because many factors can influence the vets’ decision on whether your puppy should or shouldn’t receive the shot, including their lifestyle and surroundings.



 Chihuahua Vaccination


The first two vaccines should be the pillar of your vaccination journey. This will help your fur baby get the necessary immunity to continue further developing and growing.  


  • From 6 -8 weeks, the first vaccine will be Distemper and Parvovirus. A booster option that can also be given is Bordetella. I know this sounds like jibberish, probably to a person that is not a vet or in the medical field, so let’s break this down.


Distemper is an infectious and severe disease caused by a virus that strikes puppies and dogs’ respiratory, gastrointestinal, and nervous systems. Even though this might seem terrible, it is highly treatable, but the puppy should receive the vaccine on time to avoid it altogether. 

Parvovirusalso known as CPV, is a highly contagious viral infection of dogs that usually causes intense gastrointestinal disease in puppies. The condition most often affects puppies between 6 and 20 weeks old, but older dogs are sometimes also affected. 

Bordetella is a bacteria that is linked with respiratory infection in dogs. It is a canine contagious respiratory system element, seldom introduced as kennel cough, upper respiratory infection, or infectious tracheobronchitis.



 Vaccination Of A Chihuahua Puppy


Once the puppies have grown a little bit, their immune system is stronger, and they are ready to find their forever homes. The second vaccine should be the additional boost and prepare them for the more potent vaccines.


  • From 10 — 12 weeks, the puppies should receive the DHPP. This is a five in one vaccine. Before diving into the exact names and illnesses this would prevent, we would just like to point out, this is a period when puppies are usually sold or given, so your puppy might not have received this shot yet. Make sure to check with the breeder whether the shot was administered and if not, take your puppy to the vet.


DHPP, also known as the five-in-one vaccine, is a cocktail of different vaccines that prevents your puppy from contracting various diseases. 

This includes distemper, hepatitis, kennel cough, parainfluenza, and parvovirus. 

Parainfluenza virus is a respiratory virus and is also known as canine cough. This virus can be very contagious and can cause severe issues for your puppy.





This period is the most important for the puppy since they are already grown enough to be taken outside and start socializing with other dogs. However, there are some debates on whether, even during this period, it is safe to let your Chihuahua puppy meet other dogs, which we will explain as to why.


  • From 16 — 18 weeks, when puppies mature a bit, they will be introduced to a new set of vacinne/s which will protect them as they grow older. In this period, the two primary shots the puppy should get is DHPP and rabies vaccine. Apart from these two vaccines, your Chihuahua puppy can also receive Influenza, Lyme disease, Leptospirosis, Bordetella per lifestyle and with the recommendation of your vet. These additional shots are not mandatory; however, one can never be careful.


Once you are done with your primary shots, you should monitor and get your puppy re-vaccinated with the consultation of your vet.





Rabies is a preventable viral disease commonly spread through the bite of a rabid mammal. The rabies virus affects the central nervous system of animals, sequentially causing infection in the brain and death. It cannot be cured once contracted; however, it can be prevented.

Visible signs of rabies in dogs include fever, difficulty swallowing, excessive drooling, staggering, seizures, and even paralysis. As the disease advances, your dog may seem as though they are overstimulated, meaning lights, movement, and sound may seem to produce a negative effect. To avoid having to deal with such a horrendous disease, you should get your puppy vaccinated if, in your country, rabies is a common infection.






There is a lot of discussion about the rabies vaccine. When it should be given and whether it can cause some impairments; however, as the newest studies show, the vaccine is perfectly safe. Different policies surround the shot. In some countries, it is mandatory, while in others, it is not. 


While the rabies vaccine is mandatory in the US, and your puppy should receive the vaccine latest by the 14th to 16th week of its life, it is not the same for other countries. 

Rabies is a disease that could be fatal for your puppy, and while it is not that common in urban environments around the globe, in the US, there are often cases of rabies found in raccoons, skunks, bats, and foxes. Because of this, they have the mandatory vaccination against rabies, and it is commonly suggested to not let your dog outside or interact with other canines. 

In the UK, the rabies vaccine is recommended; however, it is not mandatory. Your puppy has to be microchipped before receiving the vaccine; otherwise, you will not be able to travel abroad. 


We should notate that the experts do recommend that your puppy does not receive the rabies vaccine before 12 weeks of age. Some states in the US do allow your puppy to be vaccinated before. However, because the primary vaccines have to be given again, it is recommended to wait a bit. Since your puppy would need to receive the vaccine again in 3 to 4 weeks, if given earlier, if administered at 12-16 weeks, you can wait 6-12 months before another dose, unless you are traveling with your Chihuahua puppy.





It’s best to ask your vet and take their advice. Still, generally speaking, you will be able to take your puppy out for a walk 2 weeks after their second vaccine or if you are living in a country where rabies is expected, after their 3rd vaccine, meaning at around 4 months. 

Unvaccinated pups are susceptive to contracting diseases, such as parvo and distemper, because they will spend lots of time sniffing and licking as they investigate their surroundings. 

When you have waited for the amount of time your vet has advised, your completely vaccinated puppy can go outside and start socializing with other dogs. It’s best, to begin with, quick trips outdoors, slowly building up to long walks.


Chihuahua Puppy Vaccinations – Everything You Need to Know About Vaccinations of your Chihuahua Puppy

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